Public Enquiry ends Update 26th July 2015
The Inspector has now heard submissions from all parties including Watermead Parish Council and a decision is expected in the autumn.
Public Enquiry Hallam Land Land East of Watermead Update 19.01.2015
At the Inquiry, on 13 January 2015, an application was made for the Inquiry to be adjourned. It was said that the appellant, Hallam Land had introduced new substantive material, notably the performance of two road junctions, in its rebuttal evidence (19 December 2014). This would require the other parties to undertake further technical assessment and discussions with both the appellant and the developer of Land East of Aylesbury who had completed detailed design work on one of the affected (new) junctions.
Public Enquiry Hallam Land Land East of Watermead Update 4th December 2014
Tuesday 13th January 2015 at 10am the Hallam Land - Land East of Watermead enquiry will re-open and this is when Watermead Parish Council will be addressing the Planning Inspectorate. The enquiry is open to all, so please do attend and show your support.
Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 10:00am the Hallam Land – Land East of Watermead appeal will commence. Since the refusal of this application at Aylesbury Vale District Council level Watermead Parish Council along with other professional companies have been working to help prevent this application being approved at appeal level. We have provided many statements/documents of evidence for this appeal. The hearing is set for three weeks the third week being held in January 2015.
The preliminary main considerations for the Public Inquiry as defined by the Planning Inspector are:-
whether any adverse impacts of granting planning permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of doing so when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework taken as a whole having particular regard to:-
a) housing need and supply;
b) the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the landscape of the site and its surroundings;
c) the effect on the setting, identity and historic context of adjacent settlements;
d) the impact on best and most versatile agricultural land;
e) would the absence of employment land in the mix of uses be inherently unsustainable;
f) whether the development, either individually or cumulatively, would have an adverse impact on the highway network; and whether the project would promote sustainable transport or fulfil the strategic objectives of reducing congestion, inconvenience and hazards on the local highway network;
g) can the provision of appropriate community facilities to serve the development be secured by condition or obligation;
h) would the development exacerbate surface water flooding in Watermead; and
i) whether, on balance, the proposal would amount to sustainable development having regard to the three dimensions of sustainable development set out in paragraph 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The Inspector has now heard submissions from all parties including Watermead Parish Council and a decision is expected in the autumn.
Public Enquiry Hallam Land Land East of Watermead Update 19.01.2015
At the Inquiry, on 13 January 2015, an application was made for the Inquiry to be adjourned. It was said that the appellant, Hallam Land had introduced new substantive material, notably the performance of two road junctions, in its rebuttal evidence (19 December 2014). This would require the other parties to undertake further technical assessment and discussions with both the appellant and the developer of Land East of Aylesbury who had completed detailed design work on one of the affected (new) junctions.
Public Enquiry Hallam Land Land East of Watermead Update 4th December 2014
Tuesday 13th January 2015 at 10am the Hallam Land - Land East of Watermead enquiry will re-open and this is when Watermead Parish Council will be addressing the Planning Inspectorate. The enquiry is open to all, so please do attend and show your support.
Tuesday 4th November 2014 at 10:00am the Hallam Land – Land East of Watermead appeal will commence. Since the refusal of this application at Aylesbury Vale District Council level Watermead Parish Council along with other professional companies have been working to help prevent this application being approved at appeal level. We have provided many statements/documents of evidence for this appeal. The hearing is set for three weeks the third week being held in January 2015.
The preliminary main considerations for the Public Inquiry as defined by the Planning Inspector are:-
whether any adverse impacts of granting planning permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of doing so when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework taken as a whole having particular regard to:-
a) housing need and supply;
b) the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the landscape of the site and its surroundings;
c) the effect on the setting, identity and historic context of adjacent settlements;
d) the impact on best and most versatile agricultural land;
e) would the absence of employment land in the mix of uses be inherently unsustainable;
f) whether the development, either individually or cumulatively, would have an adverse impact on the highway network; and whether the project would promote sustainable transport or fulfil the strategic objectives of reducing congestion, inconvenience and hazards on the local highway network;
g) can the provision of appropriate community facilities to serve the development be secured by condition or obligation;
h) would the development exacerbate surface water flooding in Watermead; and
i) whether, on balance, the proposal would amount to sustainable development having regard to the three dimensions of sustainable development set out in paragraph 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework.